Senin, 23 Mei 2011

“Flower&Vase art Gallery”

Do you want to beautify your room interior ?

Decorate your room with miscellaneous beautiful vase.

Start from ceramic vase, wood vase, bamboo vase, crystal vase and many more. With a good price and good quality. Price start from Rp. 35.000

Bookable only in our gallery

“Flower&Vase art Gallery”

Accept an order

Make your own vase model.

(send your own model) to www.F&

Or visit our gallery at Senopati Boulvard kav 5 A-B East Jakarta 10589

Telp. 08561109105

Make beautiful your room interior with beautiful vase,

from F&V art Gallery..

Kamis, 14 April 2011

tugaass penulisan bahasa iklan ^_^

Mitha prastami

4 sa 03 / 10607078

Penulisan bahasa iklan #


1. 1.This thermometer takes exact measurements. (exact = precise / tepat)

2. 2.The company commemorates the anniversary of its founding every year. (commemorates = celebrate / merayakan)

3. 3.Every manager must defend his or her budget. (defend = protect ; to keep save / melindungi / mempertahankan)

4. 4.A salesperson must always keep a positive attitude. (keep = honor / menjaga)

5. 5.Andrea offered a new slant on our sales problem. (slant = sloping / kemiringan )

6. 6.Speed is to be avoided on some jobs .(speed = quickness/ kecepatan )

7. 7.We must all work together to shape a new advertising campaign. (shape = form / bentuk)

8. 8.Ms. Yamada likes her computer assistants to test every program. (test = examine / ujian)

9. 9.Is there really a choice. (a choice = an option / pilihan)

10. 10.The company’s decision to cut prices was brave. (brave = courageous / berani)


1. 1.Do not forget the sales meeting at the end of the month. (do not forget = remember)

2. 2.Don’t fail to ship order by airfreight. (don’t fail = success)

3. 3.You forgot to provide a delivery date. (a delivery date = delivery due date)

4. 4.We cannot deliver your order because our plant is closed until July 15. (can not deliver = we have to cancel deliver )

5. 5.Do not lower the product’s quality. (do not lower = make it high)

6. 6.Don’t anger customers by being late for an appointment. (don’t anger = be nice even)

7. 7.We cannot act on your request at this time.( act on your = fulfill your)

8. 8.We will not forget your special request. ( special request = important request)

9. 9.We wont know our prices until April 1.( wont know = cannot give an information about)

10. 10.Never forget the customer’s preference. (never forget = always remember)

1. 1.Inpartial, fervent, unbiased, objevtive.

  • Fervent=enthusiastic and very sincere : tulus/antusias
  • Inpartial, unbiased, objective = adil / tidak memihak

2. 2.Offend, entreat, beg, implore

  • Offend=to make feel upset or angry : menggangu
  • Entreat, beg, implore = menghimbau

3. 3.Blossom, bloom, forbid, flower

  • Forbid=to tell ( someone) not to do something: melarang
  • Blossom, bloom, flower=berkembang

4. 4.Fabricate, fashion, shape, dodge

  • Fashion=gaya/mode
  • Fabricate, shape, dodge=mereka-reka/bayangan

5. 5.Meddle, invent, interfere, tamper

  • Invent=to be the first person to make or use : menciptakan
  • Meddle, interfere, tamper=ikut campur

6. 6.Revise, denounce, correct, remedy

  • Denounce=to accuse publicity : menuduh
  • Revise, correct,remedy=memperbaiki, mengubah

7. 7.Coarse, gross, refined, crude

  • Refined=very polite : sangat sopan
  • Coarse, gross, crude=kasar

8. 8.Guarded, wary, watchful, open

  • Open= terbuka
  • Guarded, wary, watchful= waspada

9. 9.Exception, principle, rule, regulation

  • Rule= peraturan
  • Exception, principle, regulation

1 10.Routine, customary, irregular, uniform

  • Uniform=seragam
  • Routine, customary , irregular=terus menerus

11. 11.Speculate , theorize, guess , validate

  • Validate=(of reasons, argument) true : sah/ bisa diterima
  • Speculate , theorize ,guess=mengira-ngira

12. 12.Disclose , communicate , tell , hide

  • Hide=bersembunyi
  • Disclose, communicate , tell=memberitahu

1 13.Knowledge , learning , information , fiction

  • Fiction=karangan
  • Knowledge, learning , information=pengetahuan

1414.Significant, meaningful , serious , unimportant

  • Unimportant=tidak penting
  • Significant, meaningful , serious=penting

15.15.Elementary, basic , pure , complicated

  • Complicated=difficult to understand : rumit
  • Elementary, basic, pure=dasar


Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

sales letter, The Ocean Waterpark

Let's explore the ocean
The Ocean Waterpark
Bogor, Indonesia 10589
February 27, 2011

Mrs. Monique

Sudirman Avenue

Jakarta, Indonesia 122089

Dear our customer,

For you, who like and enjoy a water recreation, whether for leisure, sport, or entertainment, you should to visit The Ocean Waterpark.

Why? This waterpark is very interesting and wonderful, because it has a many mode of pool which tighten and wonderful, and also have beautiful of scenery, where it has a fresh weather, shady ,convention and attractive.

This waterpark will become a favorite waterpark for your beloved family, start from children until adult. That's why we recommended with this letter to you.

The ocean waterpark provides many facilities game of water, which challenge your adrenalin, there are ocean pool, which make you feel in the ocean, wave pool, stream pool, and also provide the facilities of pool for kids, likes play pool, kids pool, and many more. Beside that, this waterpark provide other facilities which can freshen your body, likes cool water and hot spa.

So that, invite, visit and enjoy this waterpark with your beloved family to THE OCEAN WATERPARK, let's explore the ocean.

Open Monday-Sunday 8 a.m-7 p. m

Especially for Saturday featuring aerobic gym with professional instructor, to make your body more healthy.


Mitha prastami

Customer representative

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

10 poetry

Mitha prastami

4 sa 03

Beauty and love

Beauty and love are all my dream

They change not with the changing day

Love stays forever like a stream

That flows but never flows away

The beauty is the bright sun-blow

That blossoms on the spray that showers

Where the loud water falls below

Making a wind among the flowers

Love you

I have loved you even now I may confess

Some embers of my love their fire retain

But do not let it cause you more distress

I do not want to sadden you again

I loved you dearly

With the jealous and timid know

So tenderly I loved you

I pray god grant another love you so


There is one person in life

Who will touch us forever

One person inour life

That can hold us together

Through childhood and growth

Through good times and bad

Only one person in life

Will remember all that we’ve had

To be strong and be true

To care and to love

One person taught us

All of the above

We recognize and thank you

For everything you do

Yes,mother,now you know…

That this only person is you.

So beautiful

Wheter I’m right or wrong

There’s no pharase that hits

Like an ocean needs the sands

Or a dirty old shoe that fits

And if all the world was perfect

I would only ever want to see your scars

You knoe they can have their universe

We’ll be in the dirt designing stars know..

You make me feel so beautiful

Nowhere else in the world I wanna be

You make me so beautiful.

The first day

I wish I could remember the first day

First hour, first moment of your meeting me

If bright or dim the season it might be

Summer or winter I can say

A day of days

I let it come and go

It seemed to mean so little

If only now I could recall that touch

Jangan kau pergi

Risau hatiku,

apa yang telah engkau lakukan padaku
peluk diriku,

kuingin engkau tetap disini untukku

Jangan kau pergi,

lepaskan semua kenangan ini dariku
hanyalah waktu,

yang dapat menjawab semua ini, untukku
berjanjilah, berjanjilah, oh cinta..

Paling tidak

Jauh jarak yang ku tempuh untuk cintaku

Walaupun seluruh resah di diri

Ku benci,namun ku rindu dalam lamunku

Selalu ada wajahmu menghiasi dinding hati

Kau dalam hatiku

Hanya engkau

Walau bukanlah engkau yang pertama

Yang pernah singgah di hatiku

Dan bila hatimu sama dengan sama dengan hatiku

Paling tidak bisakah kita berdua?

Selamanya kau dan aku

Cinta yang sederhana

Aki ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana

Seperti kata yang tak sempat di ucap

Jika cinta tak dapat mengembalikan engkau kepadaku

Dalam kehidupan ini,

Pastilah cinta akan menyatukan kita

Dalam kehidupan yang akan datang


Sahabat adalah keperluan jiwa

Yang harus dipenuhi

Dialah ladang hati

Yang ditaburi dengan kasih dan kau tuai

Dengan rasa terima kasih

Karena kita menghampirinya saat hati lupa

Dan mencarinya sat kedamaian


Yang bisa mengisi kekurangan kita

Dalam manisnya persahabatan

Ada tawa ria dan kegembiraan

Lelaki idaman

Tak pernah ku duga

Hidup ini menjadi berubah

Cahaya gemerlap disini

Sinari setiap langkahku

Semenjak denganmu

Semua gundah menjadi berubah

Keyakinan semua tentang cinta

Kembali tumbuh di hati

Ada engkau lelakiku

Di hatiku hanya ada kamu sayang..

Di mimpi malamku ada kamu sayang..

Semua ini hanyalah untuk mu sayang..

Kau,lelaki idaman

Memang kamu tak ada yang lain

Segalanya ada padamu

Kekasih terakhir

Ku tak pernah punya hati

Untuk meninggalkan engkau

Hanya kau sisa hidupku

Tanpamu lebih baik mati

Ku menahan rasa luka

Bila kau membenci aku

Bilakah tuhan mendengar

Bisikan hatiku yang hancur

Di dekatmu hatiku tenang

Mencium engkau bisa tenangkan jiwa

Seluruh yang ada di engkau

Bagiku karunia

Sat jiwaky terguncang

Pelukanmu menyembuhkan

Kau tak bisa digantikan


Kau kekasih yang terakhir