Sabtu, 27 November 2010

10 poetry

Mitha prastami

4 sa 03

Beauty and love

Beauty and love are all my dream

They change not with the changing day

Love stays forever like a stream

That flows but never flows away

The beauty is the bright sun-blow

That blossoms on the spray that showers

Where the loud water falls below

Making a wind among the flowers

Love you

I have loved you even now I may confess

Some embers of my love their fire retain

But do not let it cause you more distress

I do not want to sadden you again

I loved you dearly

With the jealous and timid know

So tenderly I loved you

I pray god grant another love you so


There is one person in life

Who will touch us forever

One person inour life

That can hold us together

Through childhood and growth

Through good times and bad

Only one person in life

Will remember all that we’ve had

To be strong and be true

To care and to love

One person taught us

All of the above

We recognize and thank you

For everything you do

Yes,mother,now you know…

That this only person is you.

So beautiful

Wheter I’m right or wrong

There’s no pharase that hits

Like an ocean needs the sands

Or a dirty old shoe that fits

And if all the world was perfect

I would only ever want to see your scars

You knoe they can have their universe

We’ll be in the dirt designing stars know..

You make me feel so beautiful

Nowhere else in the world I wanna be

You make me so beautiful.

The first day

I wish I could remember the first day

First hour, first moment of your meeting me

If bright or dim the season it might be

Summer or winter I can say

A day of days

I let it come and go

It seemed to mean so little

If only now I could recall that touch

Jangan kau pergi

Risau hatiku,

apa yang telah engkau lakukan padaku
peluk diriku,

kuingin engkau tetap disini untukku

Jangan kau pergi,

lepaskan semua kenangan ini dariku
hanyalah waktu,

yang dapat menjawab semua ini, untukku
berjanjilah, berjanjilah, oh cinta..

Paling tidak

Jauh jarak yang ku tempuh untuk cintaku

Walaupun seluruh resah di diri

Ku benci,namun ku rindu dalam lamunku

Selalu ada wajahmu menghiasi dinding hati

Kau dalam hatiku

Hanya engkau

Walau bukanlah engkau yang pertama

Yang pernah singgah di hatiku

Dan bila hatimu sama dengan sama dengan hatiku

Paling tidak bisakah kita berdua?

Selamanya kau dan aku

Cinta yang sederhana

Aki ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana

Seperti kata yang tak sempat di ucap

Jika cinta tak dapat mengembalikan engkau kepadaku

Dalam kehidupan ini,

Pastilah cinta akan menyatukan kita

Dalam kehidupan yang akan datang


Sahabat adalah keperluan jiwa

Yang harus dipenuhi

Dialah ladang hati

Yang ditaburi dengan kasih dan kau tuai

Dengan rasa terima kasih

Karena kita menghampirinya saat hati lupa

Dan mencarinya sat kedamaian


Yang bisa mengisi kekurangan kita

Dalam manisnya persahabatan

Ada tawa ria dan kegembiraan

Lelaki idaman

Tak pernah ku duga

Hidup ini menjadi berubah

Cahaya gemerlap disini

Sinari setiap langkahku

Semenjak denganmu

Semua gundah menjadi berubah

Keyakinan semua tentang cinta

Kembali tumbuh di hati

Ada engkau lelakiku

Di hatiku hanya ada kamu sayang..

Di mimpi malamku ada kamu sayang..

Semua ini hanyalah untuk mu sayang..

Kau,lelaki idaman

Memang kamu tak ada yang lain

Segalanya ada padamu

Kekasih terakhir

Ku tak pernah punya hati

Untuk meninggalkan engkau

Hanya kau sisa hidupku

Tanpamu lebih baik mati

Ku menahan rasa luka

Bila kau membenci aku

Bilakah tuhan mendengar

Bisikan hatiku yang hancur

Di dekatmu hatiku tenang

Mencium engkau bisa tenangkan jiwa

Seluruh yang ada di engkau

Bagiku karunia

Sat jiwaky terguncang

Pelukanmu menyembuhkan

Kau tak bisa digantikan


Kau kekasih yang terakhir

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

cerpen : Pacarku Nggak Romantis

Pacarku Nggak Romantis

Jam istirahat belajar tiba. Setelah memesan es cendol, Ammy duduk di bangku pojok kantin. Diletakkannya setumpuk fotokopian Algoritma yang bakal diujikan siang itu.. Gawat! Bahan belum selesai dipelajarinya. Pengennya sih pasrah, tapi masa dia nyerah gitu aja sebelum tes. Sayang sesaat kemudian, Nina mengusik perhatiannya dengan memamerkan sesuatu di tangannya.
"Astaga, Nin! Bagus banget liontinnya?" seru ammy heboh. Matanya seketika membesar.
"Aduh, jangan histeris gitu dong. Anak-anak jadi pada ngeliatin kita nih," balas Nina risih.
Sedikit tersentak, ammy refleks menutup mulutnya. "Ini dari Alvin," cetus Nina lagi. Dengan santai dia menyendokkan sesuap nasi soto ke mulutnya. Ada nada bangga dalam suaranya. Apa lagi saat diliriknya ammy yang segera meminta dan menimang-nimang liontin berinisial A&N itu untuk diteliti.
"Tapi kamu nggak ulang tahun kan? Lagipula beberapa hari yang lalu dia barusan ngasih kamu boneka beruang yang besar banget," tanya ammy heran.
"Ah, kamu!" Nina tertawa. "Tahu sendiri sifat Alvin itu kan? Dia rajin memberikan sesuatu kapan pun dia mau."
"Pantes!" ammy balas memandang Nina dengan tatapan iri. "Kamu beruntung banget, Nin."
Alvin dan Nina belum lama jadian. Perfect couple, begitu kata orang kebanyakan. Yang cowok cakep, sedangkan yang cewek cantik. Dan sepertinya, Alvin juga tahu banget bagaimana memperlakukan seorang cewek bak putri raja, bikin sirik banyak orang yang melihatnya.
Coba kalo oky seperti Alvin, sambungnya dalam hati. Udah keren, pinter, murah hati, romantis pula. Kurang apa lagi coba.
Ugh, ammy menghela napas dalam-dalam. Ada yang mengetuk-ngetuk perasaannya. Entah sudah yang keberapa kali dalam dua minggu terakhir, dia jadi suka membanding-bandingkan oky dengan Alvin.
Pertemuan hati antara ammy dan oky sebenernya sudah berlangsung setahun lebih. Awalnya mereka cuma berteman baik. Karena sering hangout bareng di sekolah, orang-orang di sekitar mulai meledek mereka pacaran. Dimulai dari temen-temen sekelas, kemudian menyebar hampir tak terkecuali ke seluruh penghuni sekolah. Bahkan Pak Udin, satpam sekolah pun tahu gosip mereka pacaran. Buktinya kalo Winda datang terlambat, Pak Udin suka nyeletukin.
ammy sebenernya tengsin diledekin terus, tapi lambat laun rasa sebelnya hilang. Dia bahkan mulai merasa ada sesuatu yang lain. Sampai-sampai menjelang mau tidur, rasanya sulit banget buat mejemin mata gara-gara mikirin doi melulu. Padahal oky nggak cakep-cakep amat.
Bisa jadi ammy kesengsem sama sikap pemalu cowok itu yang berbeda dengan kebanyakan fans-fansnya yang lain. Juga kesabarannya ngajarin ammy pelajaran yang nggak dia mengerti, terumia Algoritma yang bikin mati kutu. Sebagai top student, tidak sulit baginya untuk membantu ammy. Terbukti sejak oky ikut mengajari, nilai-nilai ammy yang tadinya amburadul pun terdongkrak dengan sukses.
Dan rasa suka yang terselip di hatinya itu nggak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Suatu hari oky sungguh-sungguh meminta ammy untuk jadi pacarnya. Bagi oky, ammy adalah first love -nya walaupun bagi ammy, bukan. Mungkin gara-gara itulah, ammy mengganggap oky terkadang nggak tahu gimana caranya memperlakukan cewek. Sikapnya memang baik. Cuma kok nggak ada tuh, berjuta rasa jatuh cinta yang bikin panas dingin. Yah, wajar kan namanya orang pacaran punya angan-angan kalo pasangannya romantis. Bukannya datar-datar aja kayak sekarang. ammy menelan rasa kecewanya. Gimana caranya biar kamu ngerti, ki?


Byur! Kepala mi serasa diguyur seember air sejuk. Boring dan kantuk yang tadi menyerang mendadak pupus. Begitu Pak Harris menghilang di balik pintu, ammy langsung melesat keluar kelas.
Matahari bersinar menyilaukan. ammy berjalan cepat, menyelinap di antara hiruk pikuk orang yang berbicara sambil berlalu lalang. Setengah tergopoh oky menyeret langkahnya di samping ammy.
"Kamu jalannya cepet banget sih, mi. Kayak dikejer setan." Cowok itu menarik napas sambil terengah. Ranselnya hampir melorot.
"Ada apa sih?" balas ammy galak. Dengan perasaan dongkol, dia menghentikan langkahnya.
"mi, kamu nggak apa-apa?" tanya oky lagi. Nggak biasanya ammy ketus begini.
"Aku baik-baik aja.." ammy tersenyum . Tangannya menyeka dua butir keringat di keningnya, lalu dia mengipasi wajahnya sebentar.
"Tapi kenapa cemberut aja? Feeling-ku mengatakan, kamu sedang menghindari aku."
"Iya, itu karena kamu nggak romantis," suara ammy meninggi.
"Lho, kok bisa?"
ammy terdiam sebentar.
"Kamu nggak pernah ngasih aku bunga," desis ammy akhirnya dengan bibir ditekuk.
Dengan senyum simpul, oky menatap wajah ammy. Dia ngerti, cewek ini lagi ngambek rupanya.
"Aku nggak tahu mau beli bunga di mana,mi. Kalau memang suka, kamu kan bisa kasih tahu kalo papasan dengan penjual bunga saat kita jalan bareng. Nanti aku beliin."
ammy mendelik. Oky nggak nangkep maksudnya. Dia mengharapkan sekali-sekali cowok itu bakal kasih kejutan yang romantis, gitu lho.
"Kita juga jarang banget gandengan tangan kalo lagi jalan bareng," sambung ammy
"Kan kamu bisa duluan menggandeng tanganku kalo mau. Ada lagi?"
Ada! batin ammy gondok setengah mati. Tapi dia malu untuk mengutarakannya. sudah pacaran setahun begini, dia belum pernah di-kiss. Bukan. Bukan kiss yang sering kamu lihat di film-film Barat yang sampe disensor gitu. Cium pipi aja gak pernah! Ammy jadi ragu, sebenernya mereka pacaran apa bukan sih?
"Sikapmu aneh! Kalo memang pengen sesuatu, ngomong dong yang jelas. Masa kamu mengharapkan aku membaca pikiranmu?" balas oky melihat ammy.
"Apa kamu nggak pernah merasa kurang perhatian? Lihat aja, berapa kali kita pulang sekolah sama-sama? Berapa kali kamu ngebatalin kencan kita gara-gara...." Tiba-tiba ammy menghentikan ucapannya.
"Gara-gara apa?"
Gara-gara buku, lanjut ammy dalam hati. Dia jadi cemburu sama buku, nih.oky kerjaannya belajar melulu. Kalo udah ketemu buku bagus aja, bisa buyar deh semua rencana.

"Pokoknya kamu nggak romantis. Aku nggak suka cowok yang nggak romantis!"


Senin sore. Jam menunjukkan pukul lima. ammy lagi duduk-duduk di beranda rumahnya. Cuaca mendung dengan awan gelap yang berarak mengumpul kian dekat. Sepertinya hujan akan segera turun.
Apa yang sedang dilakukan oky sekarang? Sudah seminggu sejak pertengkaran di halte tempo hari, ammy nyuekin dia. Sengaja bikin jarak. Kalo cowok itu datang, ammy buru-buru cabut dan pura-pura nggak melihatnya. Bodo amat, males ngeladeninnya!.
Sebenernya ammy kangen juga dengan oky. Sepi rasanya sendirian. Ingin sekali ammy mencubit lengannya dan mengganggu dia lagi dengan menggambari buku pelajarannya dengan gambar-gambar hati. Atau menulisi nama mereka berdua di sana sampai oky mencak-mencak kesal. Tapi dia hanya bisa memendam semua itu dalam hati. oky pasti lagi asik belajar di rumah, seperti biasa.
Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba.
Sebuah ketukan di pintu pagar membuyarkan semuanya. Berbarengan dengan hal itu, hujan tiba-tiba turun deras sekali. Cowok dalam lamunannya kini sudah ada di depan. Rambut dan kaos yang dikenakannya sebagian basah kuyup, keburu tersiram air hujan karena menunggu ammy yang lama banget buka pintunya karena mencari payung dulu.
"Halo, mi."
"Halo juga."
"Apa kabar?"
"Lama ya kita nggak ngobrol...."
"Aku nggak suka dengan keadaan begini. Rasanya tersiksa sekali," kata oky pelan.
ammy jadi tertegun mendengarnya. "Apa kamu sudah bosan pacaran dengan aku?"
ammy menggeleng perlahan.
"Aku... aku nggak sanggup rasanya bermusuhan dengan kamu." Tangan oky terulur kaku hendak mengusap rambut ammy.
Deg! Seperti bermimpi rasanya. Betapa ammy sangat merindukan belaian hangat seperti ini. Ada denting lembut yang seakan menggema. Entah kenapa, kekecewaannya yang menggunung tiba-tiba jadi menguap.
"Mungkin aku nggak romantis seperti dalam angan-anganmu,mi. Aku cuma berpendapat, pacaran kan nggak cuma dimaknai dengan hal-hal seperti beli bunga, candlelight dinner, atau clubbing bareng.
Kita bisa mengisi kebersamaan kita dalam pacaran dengan hal-hal yang berguna. Tolong jangan meragukanku. Aku sayang kamu,mi. Sayang banget.... Tentu aku berharap cinta kita bisa tulus dan awet," katanya lagi.
Ammy menatap mata oky. Ah, cowok itu sebetulnya baik! Dia juga nggak centil, nggak tebar pesona melulu ke cewek lain. Bukankah seharusnya ammy bersyukur?
"Kamu mau kan memulainya lagi bersamaku? Aku janji mau ngebagi waktu aku lebih dengan kamu." ammy tak menjawab. Juga tak menolak ketika oky meraih jemarinya dan dibawa ke dalam genggamannya. Ah, apalah artinya bunga yang bisa layu termakan waktu. Kedatangan cowok itu, dan ketulusan hatinya jauh lebih berarti. Ada suatu keyakinan menyapa ammy bahwa garis cintanya mulai terluruskan kini.
"Aku juga sayang kamu,ki." Air mata ammy merebak. Dipeluknya cowok terkasih itu erat. Di luar sana, hujan telah reda. Ada pelangi yang besaaar banget nemenin mereka berdua, seakan menjadi saksi bisu pertautan hati ammy dan oky.

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

i found someone

I finally found someone,
that knocks me off my feet
I finally found the one,

that makes me feel complete

It's all because of you,

It's better than it's ever been

To take my breath away
Someone to share my life

My life has just begun
I finally found someone

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

how to teach speaking

The first thing to keep in mind is that when we are helping our language students learn to speak English, we are not actually teaching them to speak. Unless they are infants, they already know how to do that. What we are really helping them with falls into three categories.
  1. improving fluency (speaking smoothly)
Fluency comes from practice - plain and simple. However it needs to be practice that involves extended use of the language and use of extended sentences. You can not build fluency by repeating single words or short phrases. Fluency at its heart relates to being able to speak for longer periods of time in a smooth way. Broadly speaking, here are a few things that can help build fluency:
  • speeches or presentations
  • group discussions
  • role plays
  • negotiations and debates
  • interviews and meetings
  • chatting in small groups
2 . improving pronunciation (saying words properly)

Pronunciation is the ability to say words properly with the correct sounds in the correct places. This is a skill that can take a VERY long to develop, but with consistent work and practice, it can be done. There are two keys to proper pronunciation 1) tons of native speaker input and 2) tons of speaking by the learner with native speakers. However, practice and lessons that target specific trouble areas can make a huge difference in a student's ability to deal with issues in pronunciation.

  • working on specific vowels
  • working on trouble consonants (e.g. th for French speakers)
  • working on understanding movement and location of mouth and tongue when making sounds
3 . improving enunciation (Saying words/phrases clearly - I think this includes word and sentence intonation)

Enunciation is speaking clearly - perhaps better understood by its opposite which is mumbling or slurring words. Enunciation is a very important aspect of speaking in that poor enunciation can make someone almost impossible to understand. Again improvements in enunciation come from exposure to native speakers, and plenty of natural practice. Of course focused work targeting problem areas can help a great deal as well. Things that can be done to help with enunciation include:
  • focused work on trouble word combinations
  • working on reductions (want to –> wanna)
  • working on sentence level stress points
  • working on word level stress points (e.g. differences between noun/verb forms of same word record/record)
  • working on sentence level intonation patterns

Some would say that vocabulary, grammar, and cultural usage also fall into how we teach speaking, but I'd say that while they are critical, they are not only in the domain of speaking. Speaking is about using our mouth and vocal cords to make sounds that people understand as language. It certainly involves other elements like grammar and vocabulary, but they aren't the core of it.

how to teach reading

Reading comprehension is one of the hot topics of the day,
  1. Build Background Knowledge.This way, students will be able to visualize what they are reading, which is absolutely critical to true comprehension.
  2. Establish a Purpose for Reading
  3. Think Aloud as You Read.Also stop periodically to explicitly review with students what has happened up to that point in the reading. Students who have fallen behind need not be behind during the entire reading. When reviewing, ask students what they have been thinking so far about the text.
Ask students to use a graphic organizer in order to compare the similarities and differences of characters. You can also ask students to compare themselves to a particular character, using the same device.

Students can decide on alternate endings to the story, providing a rational as to why their ending would have been preferable. This helps students analyze the story, in addition to building an emotional connection to reading.

There are many, many other strategies that you can use to enhance your students’ reading comprehension. Try investing in a book, such as the Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, which offers word frequency lists, evaluation techniques and a plethora of other resources. Teaching reading requires access to a wide variety of strategies, so that the instructor can meet the needs of each of his students. Continue to educate yourself on reading comprehension techniques, and you’ll soon see the results embodied in your students’ reading practices.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

how to teach listening


Listening involves a sender (a person, radio, television), a message, and a receiver (the listener). Listeners often must process messages as they come, even if they are still processing what they have just heard, without backtracking or looking ahead. In addition, listeners must cope with the sender's choice of vocabulary, structure, and rate of delivery. The complexity of the listening process is magnified in second language contexts, where the receiver also has incomple
te control of the language.

When we teach listening we need to teach not only English, but we also need to teach how it is used. We need to teach both:

1. the language system,(our knowledge of language: grammar and vocabulary etc.)
2. the use of the language system,
(the skills of language use)

The problem with most listening classes, is that they get stuck at number 1. Too many classes concentrate on teaching the language system and miss the skills of language, in this case listening.

What Listening Teachers Need to Do

Give students practice in listenings which ask students to interpret and understand meaning, together with listenings which teach learners about how English is actually spoken.

Good listening lessons go beyond the listening task itself with related activities before and after the listening. Here is the basic structure:

  • Before Listening
    Prepare your learners by introducing the topic and finding out what they already know about it. A good way to do this is to have a brainstorming session and some discussion questions related to the topic. Then provide any necessary background information and new vocabulary they will need for the listening activity.
  • During Listening
    Be specific about what students need to listen for. They can listen for selective details or general content, or for an emotional tone such as happy, surprised, or angry. If they are not marking answers or otherwise responding while listening, tell them ahead of time what will be required afterward.
  • After Listening
    Finish with an activity to extend the topic and help students remember new vocabulary. This could be a discussion group, craft project, writing task, game, etc.

Jumat, 16 April 2010

how to teach writing

The teacher should be clear on what skills he/she is trying to develop. Next, the teacher needs to decide on which means (or type of exercise) can facilitate learning of the target area. Once the target skill areas and means of implmentation are defined, the teacher can then proceed to focus on what topic can be employed to ensure student participation.By pragmatically combing these objectives, the teacher can expect both enthusiasm and effective learning.
Choosing the target area depends on many factors;
1.What level are the students?
2.What is the average age of the students, 3.Why are the students learning English,
Once these factors are clear in the mind of the teacher, the teacher can begin to focus on how to involve the students in the activity thus promoting a positive, long-term learning experience.
Having decided on the target area, the teacher can focus on the means to achieve this type of learning. As in correction, the teacher must choose the most appropriate manner for the specified writing area. If formal business letter English is required, it is of little use to employ a free expression type of exercise. Likewise, when working on descriptive language writing skills, a formal letter is equally out of place.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Total Physical Responce

Total Physical Response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and action. It was developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California. It is linkedto the trace theory of memory, which holds that the more often or intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory will.
Asher's language learning theories seem similar to those of other behavioral psychologists. There are three principles he elaborat:
  1. Second language learning is parallel to first language learning and should reflect the same naturalistic processes.
  2. Listening should develop before speaking
  3. Children respond physically to spoken language, and adult learners learn better if they do that too
  4. Once listening comprehension has been developed, speech devlops naturally and effortlessly out of it.
  5. Adults should use right-brain motor activities, while the left hemisphere watches and learns
  6. Delaying speech reduces stress.

Here are some of the objectives of Total Physical Response

* Teaching oral proficiency at a beginning level
* Using comprehension as a means to speaking
* Using action-based drills in the imperative form

Minggu, 04 April 2010

kunjungilahh SnowBay Waterpark

Bagi kamu-kamu yang menyukai rekreasi air, baik sebagai olah raga, hiburan, maupun sekedar rileks, ada baiknya kamu mengunjungi TMII snowbay Waterpark.
Taman air ini sangat menarik karena dirancang dengan pemandangan berciri petualangan. Banyak pilihan permainan air yang bisa dinikmati anak-anak, remaja, ataupun orang dewasa. Di sini dikembangkan berbagai fasilitas wisata air yang menyajikan bermacam tantangan air yang seru, menegangkan, dan mengasyikan. Dengan suasana lingkungan yang asri, nyaman, dan menyenangkan tempat ini menjadi wahana wisata air favorit buat keluarga.
Fasilitas permainan air yang menantang dalam berbagai bentuk kolam disajikan di sini antara lain kolam seluncur (landing pool), kolam ombak (wave pool), kolam pusaran air (vortex pool), dan kolam arus (wave river); kesemuanya memberikan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Fasiltas bermain untuk anak-anak juga disediakan kolam permainan air yang menyenangkan antara lain tots pool, play pool, dan kids pool. Selain itu, masih tersedia fasilitas lain yang menyegarkan tubuh seperti cool beach, cool water dan hot spa.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

so beautiful

Whether I'm right or wrong There's no phrase that hits Like an ocean needs the sand Or a dirty old shoe that fits And if all the world was perfect I would only ever want to see your scars

You know they can have their universe We'll be in the dirt designing stars
And darlin' you know You make me feel so beautiful
Nowhere else in the world
I wanna be
You make me feel so beautiful
Whether I'm up or down
There's no crowd to please

I'm like a faith without a clause to believe in it
And if all the world was smiling
I would only ever want to see your frown

You know they can sail away in sunsets We'll be right here stranded on the ground
Just happy to be found You make me feel so beautiful
Nowhere else in the world I wanna be
You make me feel so beautiful
I have lost my illusions
I have drowned in your words
I have left my confusion to a cynical world

I am throwing myself at things
I don't understand
Discover enlightenment holding your hand
You are..
So Beautiful

Pramoedya ananta Toer

Haaii sobaat smua,kali ini gue sebagai mahasiswa sastra pengen mengulas sedikit tentang salah satu maestro sastra yang terkenal di indonesia,bahkan bukan hanya di indonesia aja,melainkan di dunia,

Ialah Pramoedya ananta toer ,atau yang akrab dipanggil pram ini.Beliau lahir di Blora,Jawa Tengah tepatnya tanggal 6 februari 1925.secara luas dianggap sebagai salah satu pengarang yang produktif dalam sejarah sastra indonesia. Pramoedya telah menghasilkan lebih dari 50 karya dan diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih dari 41 bahasa asing.
Nama asli Pramoedya adalah Pramoedya Ananta Mastoer, sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam koleksi cerita pendek semi-otobiografinya yang berjudul Cerita Dari Blora. Pramoedya menempuh pendidikan pada Sekolah Kejuruan Radio di surabaya, dan kemudian bekerja sebagai juru ketik untuk surat kabar jepang di jakarta selama pendudukan jepang di indonesia.
Pada masa kemerdekaan Indonesia, ia mengikuti kelompok militer di Jawa dan kerap ditempatkan di Jakarta pada akhir perang kemerdekaan. Ia menulis cerpen serta buku di sepanjang karir militernya dan ketika dipenjara belanda di Jakarta pada 1948dan 1949.
Pada 1960-an ia ditahan pemerintahan Soeharto karena pandangan pro-Komunis Tiongkoknya. Bukunya dilarang dari peredaran, dan ia ditahan tanpa pengadilan di nusakambangan di lepas pantai Jawa, dan akhirnya di pulau buru di kawasan timur Indonesia.
Selain pernah ditahan selama 3 tahun pada masa kolonial dan 1 tahun pada masa orde lama, selama masa orde baru Pramoedya merasakan 14 tahun ditahan sebagai tahanan politik tanpa proses pengadilan.
Ia dilarang menulis selama masa penahanannya di pulau buru, namun tetap mengatur untuk menulis serial karya terkenalnya yang berjudul bumi manusia, serial 4 kronik novel semi-fiksi sejarah Indonesia.

Semenjak orde baru berkuasa, Pramoedya tidak pernah mendapat kebebasan menyuarakan suaranya sendiri, dan telah beberapa kali dirinya diserang dan dikeroyok secara terbuka di koran.
Sampai akhir hayatnya ia aktif menulis, walaupun kesehatannya telah menurun akibat usianya yang lanjut dan kegemarannya merokok. Pada 30 april 2006 pukul 08.55 Pramoedya wafat dalam usia 81 tahun.

data ini gue ambil dari situs ensiklopedia bebas,kalo mau tau lebih lanjut kalian bisa cari tau informasi lainnya di situs tersebut,karna gue hanya ambil sedikit tentang masa hidupnya.

Community language learning

Community language learning
is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed.This method was developed by Charles E. Curran, a professor of psychology at Loyola University. This method refers to two roles: that of the knower (teacher) and student (learner).
Teachers who use the Community Language Learning Method want their students to learn how to use the target language communicatively.The teacher's initial role is primarly that of a counselor.This does not mean that the teacher is a therapist.Rather,it means that the teacher recognizes how threatening a new learning situation can be for adult learners.
some characteristics of the teaching or learning process are :
  • students typically have a conversation using their native language.
  • teacher helps them express what they want to say by giving them to target language translation in chunks.
According to Curran,there are six elements nessecary for nondefensive learning,such as ;
  1. security
  2. aggression
  3. attention
  4. reflection
  5. retention
  6. discrimination
The most important skills are understanding and speaking the language at the beginning,with reinforcement through reading and writing.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010


Suggestopedia is a teaching method which is based on a modern understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. It was developed by the Bulgarian doctor and psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.
The term 'Suggestopedia', derived from suggestion and pedagogy, is often used loosely to refer to similar accelerated learning approaches. However, Lozanov reserves the title strictly for his own method, and he has his own training and certification facilities. Suggestopedia was originally applied mainly in foreign language teaching, and it is often claimed that it can teach languages approximately three times as quickly as conventional methods.
Some of the key elements of Suggestopedia include a rich sensory learning environment (pictures, colour, music, etc.), a positive expectation of success and the use of a varied range of methods: dramatised texts, music, active participation in songs and games, etc.

Suggestopedia adopts a carefully structured approach, using four main stages as follows:

First Concert - "Active Concert"
Second Concert - "Passive Review"

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010


i sit and wait,does an angel contemplate my fate

and do they know the places where we go

when we're gray and old,

cos' i've been told that salvation lets their wings untold.

so when i'm lying in my bed,

thought running through my head and i feel love is dead.

i'm loving angels instead.

and through it all she offers me protection a lot of love and affection,

wheter i'm right or wrong and down the waterfall,

whetever it may take me,

i know that life wont break me

when i'm come to call,

i'm loving angels instead..

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010


What is De-suggestopedia?

It is an approach to education whose primary objective is to tap the extraordinary reserve capacities we all possess but rarely if ever use. This method utilises techniques from many sources of research into how best we can learn. The Bulgarian scientist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, for example, has demonstrated that through a carefully “orchestrated” learning environment including most importantly a specially-trained teacher, the learning process can be accelerated by a factor of three to ten times enjoyably. Such results are possible through the proper use of suggestion. The suggestive-desuggestive process allows students to go beyond previously held beliefs and self-limiting concepts concerning the learning process and learn great quantities of material with ease and enjoyment.

, History,

The artful use of suggestion as a means of facilitating the learning and communication process is, of course, and has always been, a part of nearly all effective teaching and persuasive communication. Not until the past twenty years, however, has the phenomenon of suggestion begun to be methodically researched and tested as to how it can and does affect learning. At the centre of these developments is the work of Lozanov. For more than 20 years he has been experimenting with accellerative approaches to learning, has founded the Institute of Suggestology in Sofia, Bulgaria and has authored the book: Suggestology and the Outlines or Suggestopedia (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1997).

The teacher is the authority in the classroom; she controls and guides the language behaviors of students. She is also responsible for providing her students with good imitation.
The role of students is the imitators; they imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and follow teacher’s directions.
Provided students with bright and cheerful environment. Posters or drawings are hung around the room in order to take advantage of students’ peripheral learning. Posters and drawings will be changed with each lesson topic. Pictures of each vocabulary will strengthen students’ memorization of the word.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

The compare between The audio-lingual method and The Silent Way

Is an oral-based approach.The audio-lingual method drills student the use of grammatical sentence patterns.It also,unlike the Direct method,has a strong theoritical base in linguistics and pyshology.The audio-lingual method is a style of teaching of using in teaching foreign languages.It based on behaviorist theory.
Like the Direct method,the audio-lingual method advised that students be taught a language directly,without using the students native language to explain a new words or grammar in the target language.
Applied to language instruction,and often within a the context of language-lab,this mean that the instructur would the present correct model of a sentence and the student would have repeat it.The teacher would then by continue by presenting a new words for the students for the sample in the same structure.In audio-lingualism,there is no explicit grammar instruction everything is simply memorize is form,The idea is for the student to practice a particular construct until they can use it spontanueously.This type of activity,for the foundation of language learning,is in direct opposition with communicative language teaching.
The role of the teacher is directing and controling the language behavior of the student.She is also responsible for providing the students with a good model for immitation.The characteristics of the teaching or learning process is grammar is induced from the examples given,explicit grammar rules are not provided.
The techniques are :
  • dialog memorization
  • backward build up(expansion)drill
  • repetition drill
  • chain drill
  • single-slot subtitution drill
  • multiple-slot subtitution drill
  • transformation drill
  • question and answer drill
  • use of minimal pairs
  • complete the dialog
  • grammar game

The Silent Way is an approach to foreign-language learning designed to enable students to become independent, autonomous and responsible learners. It is part of a more general pedagogical approach to teaching and learning created by Caleb Gattegno, and operated by Educational Solutions Worldwide Inc. It is constructivist in nature, leading students to develop their own conceptual models of all the aspects of the language.

With The Silent Way, each sound in the new language is assigned a unique color. Once students have been introduced to the colors, they can determine the pronunciation of any word regardless of spelling. This is one way that the approach facilitates autonomous learning.

The main objective of a teacher using The Silent Way is to optimize the way students exchange their time for experience. Gattegno considered this to be the basic principle behind all education: "Living a life is changing time into experience." Experiencing the language means exploring it independently, experimenting, and speaking as much as possible. If students experience mistakes, and experience successes, they will retain the information much better than if they had memorized it.

The students are guided into developing their own "inner criteria" of what is right in the new language. They are encouraged to use all their mental powers to make connections between sounds and meanings in the target language. In a Silent Way class, the students express their thoughts and feelings about concrete situations created in the classroom by themselves or the teacher.

The approach is called The Silent Way because the teacher remains mainly silent, to give students the space they need to practice speaking in the new language. In this approach, it is assumed that the students' previous experience of learning their mother tongue will contribute to learning the new foreign language. The acquisition of the mother tongue brings awareness of what language is, and this is carried over to second language learning. The awareness of what language is includes the use of non-verbal components of language such as intonation, melody, breathing, inflection, the convention of writing, and the combinations of letters for different sounds. Rods, pictures, objects or situations are aids used for linking sounds and meanings in The Silent Way.

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

^^Tips awet muda buat para wanita^^

SEtiap wanita pasti pengen kan terlihat cantik n awet muda,tapi kesalahan dalam pola hidup,pola makan atau penyebab lain bisa membuat kita stress dan muka kita terlihat nggak cerah.nahh disini aqyu coba buat ngasih tips-tips buat kalian yang pengen terlihat awEt muda:
  1. selalu makan buah dan sayur,kandungan vitamin dan mineral yg terdapat di dalam buah dan sayur akan menambah kesegaran bagi tubuh dan wajah kita.
  2. olahraga secara teratur,minimal kita harus olahraga 2kali seminggu supaya tubuh kita tetap sehat.
  3. selalu berpikir positif,pikiran memang sangat mempengaruhi tubuh kita,dan dapat mengakibatkan stress yang selanjutnya akan menimbulkan penyakit.demikian pula dengan wajah kita,terlalu banyak memikirkan sesuatu,akan membuat wajah kita tua.
  4. cukup tidur setiap hari,dengan cukup tidur dapat mengurasi rasa lelah tubuh dan wajah kita.
  5. selalu ceria disetiap saat.

nahh itulah tips-tips supaya kita terlihat awet muda,silaaahhkaann di'terapkan ya..

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

What Does Direct Method Mean?
A method of creating a statement of cash flows during a given reporting period. The method uses actual cash flow information from the company's operations segment, instead of using accrual accounting values.

The historical background to the call for a new approach to the teaching of modern languages like French and English has both socio-economic and scientific aspects. On the social and economic level the industrialization of western European countries created a demand for a practically useful knowledge in subjects like mathematics, physics, and modern languages. In Germany this gave rise to a new type of school called Realschule.
Unlike the traditional grammar schools the new type of school catered mainly for children from the rising middle-classes. On the scientific side the call for the teaching of living languages like French and English was accompanied by the development of new linguistic approaches to the study of language. One of the most prominent aspects of that development is the rise of phonetics and phonology as a new linguistic discipline with the creation of the international phonetic alphabet. At a time when teachers had no access to modern gadgets like tape recorders or videos this provided them with the first sound information on how to pronounce the target language words.

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Tips awet dalam menjalani hubungan dengan pasangan

Haaaii para sobat muda,mau tau ga tips-tips Supaya kita awet dalam menjalani hUbungan ama pasangan,,nihh aqyu kasih tipS'nya yaaa...
  • yang pertama kamu harus yakin bahwa pasangan kamu itu adalah cinta sejati kamu,,(hmmm..lebaaii bgt y)yakinKan bahwa pasangan kamu adalah orang yang nanti'y bakalan ama kamu selamanya.
  • kedua,yang pasti kamu ama pasangan kamu harus sama-sama punya rasa sayang satu sama lain.
  • ketiga,komunikasi amaddd sangaadd penting dalam menjalani suatu hubungan,,(kapan aja
  • keempat,perhatian,pengertian,saling menghargai dan menghormati juga dibutuhkan dalam menjalani suatu hubungan biar hubungan kita awet..
  • ada sikap mengalah satu sama lain,,jangan ada egois,,klo cwo kamu egois yaa kita sebaik'Y mengalah,,tapi klo cwo kamu udah kebangetan egois yaa kita juga harus b'sikap tegas..
  • buatlah suatu hubungan itu tidak membosankan.
Yang terakhir,pastikan kamu itu adalah tipe orang yang SETIA..apalagi klo pasangan kamu juga setia,,hhmm dijamin dehh hubungan kamu ama pasangan kamu lancarrrr selancar-jalan-tol,,hee

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010





At one time grammar translation method is called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical language,Latin and Greek(Chastain 1988).Earlier in this century,this method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language litelature.

Finally,it was thought that foreign language learning would help students grow intellectually;it was recognized that students would probably never use the target language,but the mental exercise of learning it would be beneficial anyway.

Let us try to understand the grammar-Translation method by observasing a class where the teacher is using it.


As we enter the classroom,the class is in the middle of reading a passage in their textbook.Each student is called on to read a few lines from the passage.After they have finished reading,they are asked to translate into Spanish the few lines they have just read.The teacher helps them with the new vocabulary items.When the students have finished reading and translating the passage,the teacher ask them in Spanish if they have any questions.

Example : student:”what is paddle wheel?”

Teacher:”es una rueda de paletas”.

Another student:”no understand ’gorgeous’ ”.

Teacher translate:”primoroso”.

Since the students have no more questions,the teacher asks them to write the answer to the comprehension questions which appear at the end of excerpt.The questions are in English,and the students are instructed to write the answer to them in English as well.

After one-half hour,the teacher speaking in Spanish,asks the students to stop and chec their work.One by one each student reads a question and then reads his/her response.If it is correct,the teacher callson another student to read the next question.If the answer is incorrect,the teacher selects a different student to supply the correct answer,or the teacher herself gives the right answer.

Below is an expanded description of some these techniques.

Translation of a literary passage

Student translate a reading passage from the target language into their native language.Vocabulary an grammatical structures in the passage are studied in subsequent lessons.The translation may be written/spoken or both.Students should not translate idioms and the like literally,but rather in a way that shows that they understand their meaning.

Reading comprehension questions

Students answer the question ih the target language based on their understanding of the reading passage.


Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the reading passage.A similar exercise could be done by asking students to find synonyms for a particular set of words.Other exercise that ask students to work with the vocabulary of the passage are also possible.


Students are taught to recognize cognates by learning the spelling/sound patterns that correspond between the languages.this technique,of course,would only be useful in languages that share cognates.

Deductive application of rule

Grammar rules re presented with examples.Once students understand a rule,they are asked to apply it to some different examples.


Students are given a series of sentences with words missing.They fill in blanks with new vocabulary items/with items of a particular grammar type,such as prepositions or verbs with different sentences.


Students are required to memorize grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms such as verb conjugations.

Use word in sentences

In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new vocabulary item,they make up sentences in which they use the new words.


The teacher give sthe students a topic to write about in the target language.Sometimes,instead of creating a composition,students are asked to prepare a précis of the reading passage.