Kamis, 14 April 2011

tugaass penulisan bahasa iklan ^_^

Mitha prastami

4 sa 03 / 10607078

Penulisan bahasa iklan #


1. 1.This thermometer takes exact measurements. (exact = precise / tepat)

2. 2.The company commemorates the anniversary of its founding every year. (commemorates = celebrate / merayakan)

3. 3.Every manager must defend his or her budget. (defend = protect ; to keep save / melindungi / mempertahankan)

4. 4.A salesperson must always keep a positive attitude. (keep = honor / menjaga)

5. 5.Andrea offered a new slant on our sales problem. (slant = sloping / kemiringan )

6. 6.Speed is to be avoided on some jobs .(speed = quickness/ kecepatan )

7. 7.We must all work together to shape a new advertising campaign. (shape = form / bentuk)

8. 8.Ms. Yamada likes her computer assistants to test every program. (test = examine / ujian)

9. 9.Is there really a choice. (a choice = an option / pilihan)

10. 10.The company’s decision to cut prices was brave. (brave = courageous / berani)


1. 1.Do not forget the sales meeting at the end of the month. (do not forget = remember)

2. 2.Don’t fail to ship order by airfreight. (don’t fail = success)

3. 3.You forgot to provide a delivery date. (a delivery date = delivery due date)

4. 4.We cannot deliver your order because our plant is closed until July 15. (can not deliver = we have to cancel deliver )

5. 5.Do not lower the product’s quality. (do not lower = make it high)

6. 6.Don’t anger customers by being late for an appointment. (don’t anger = be nice even)

7. 7.We cannot act on your request at this time.( act on your = fulfill your)

8. 8.We will not forget your special request. ( special request = important request)

9. 9.We wont know our prices until April 1.( wont know = cannot give an information about)

10. 10.Never forget the customer’s preference. (never forget = always remember)

1. 1.Inpartial, fervent, unbiased, objevtive.

  • Fervent=enthusiastic and very sincere : tulus/antusias
  • Inpartial, unbiased, objective = adil / tidak memihak

2. 2.Offend, entreat, beg, implore

  • Offend=to make feel upset or angry : menggangu
  • Entreat, beg, implore = menghimbau

3. 3.Blossom, bloom, forbid, flower

  • Forbid=to tell ( someone) not to do something: melarang
  • Blossom, bloom, flower=berkembang

4. 4.Fabricate, fashion, shape, dodge

  • Fashion=gaya/mode
  • Fabricate, shape, dodge=mereka-reka/bayangan

5. 5.Meddle, invent, interfere, tamper

  • Invent=to be the first person to make or use : menciptakan
  • Meddle, interfere, tamper=ikut campur

6. 6.Revise, denounce, correct, remedy

  • Denounce=to accuse publicity : menuduh
  • Revise, correct,remedy=memperbaiki, mengubah

7. 7.Coarse, gross, refined, crude

  • Refined=very polite : sangat sopan
  • Coarse, gross, crude=kasar

8. 8.Guarded, wary, watchful, open

  • Open= terbuka
  • Guarded, wary, watchful= waspada

9. 9.Exception, principle, rule, regulation

  • Rule= peraturan
  • Exception, principle, regulation

1 10.Routine, customary, irregular, uniform

  • Uniform=seragam
  • Routine, customary , irregular=terus menerus

11. 11.Speculate , theorize, guess , validate

  • Validate=(of reasons, argument) true : sah/ bisa diterima
  • Speculate , theorize ,guess=mengira-ngira

12. 12.Disclose , communicate , tell , hide

  • Hide=bersembunyi
  • Disclose, communicate , tell=memberitahu

1 13.Knowledge , learning , information , fiction

  • Fiction=karangan
  • Knowledge, learning , information=pengetahuan

1414.Significant, meaningful , serious , unimportant

  • Unimportant=tidak penting
  • Significant, meaningful , serious=penting

15.15.Elementary, basic , pure , complicated

  • Complicated=difficult to understand : rumit
  • Elementary, basic, pure=dasar


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