Jumat, 23 April 2010

how to teach listening


Listening involves a sender (a person, radio, television), a message, and a receiver (the listener). Listeners often must process messages as they come, even if they are still processing what they have just heard, without backtracking or looking ahead. In addition, listeners must cope with the sender's choice of vocabulary, structure, and rate of delivery. The complexity of the listening process is magnified in second language contexts, where the receiver also has incomple
te control of the language.

When we teach listening we need to teach not only English, but we also need to teach how it is used. We need to teach both:

1. the language system,(our knowledge of language: grammar and vocabulary etc.)
2. the use of the language system,
(the skills of language use)

The problem with most listening classes, is that they get stuck at number 1. Too many classes concentrate on teaching the language system and miss the skills of language, in this case listening.

What Listening Teachers Need to Do

Give students practice in listenings which ask students to interpret and understand meaning, together with listenings which teach learners about how English is actually spoken.

Good listening lessons go beyond the listening task itself with related activities before and after the listening. Here is the basic structure:

  • Before Listening
    Prepare your learners by introducing the topic and finding out what they already know about it. A good way to do this is to have a brainstorming session and some discussion questions related to the topic. Then provide any necessary background information and new vocabulary they will need for the listening activity.
  • During Listening
    Be specific about what students need to listen for. They can listen for selective details or general content, or for an emotional tone such as happy, surprised, or angry. If they are not marking answers or otherwise responding while listening, tell them ahead of time what will be required afterward.
  • After Listening
    Finish with an activity to extend the topic and help students remember new vocabulary. This could be a discussion group, craft project, writing task, game, etc.

Jumat, 16 April 2010

how to teach writing

The teacher should be clear on what skills he/she is trying to develop. Next, the teacher needs to decide on which means (or type of exercise) can facilitate learning of the target area. Once the target skill areas and means of implmentation are defined, the teacher can then proceed to focus on what topic can be employed to ensure student participation.By pragmatically combing these objectives, the teacher can expect both enthusiasm and effective learning.
Choosing the target area depends on many factors;
1.What level are the students?
2.What is the average age of the students, 3.Why are the students learning English,
Once these factors are clear in the mind of the teacher, the teacher can begin to focus on how to involve the students in the activity thus promoting a positive, long-term learning experience.
Having decided on the target area, the teacher can focus on the means to achieve this type of learning. As in correction, the teacher must choose the most appropriate manner for the specified writing area. If formal business letter English is required, it is of little use to employ a free expression type of exercise. Likewise, when working on descriptive language writing skills, a formal letter is equally out of place.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Total Physical Responce

Total Physical Response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and action. It was developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California. It is linkedto the trace theory of memory, which holds that the more often or intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory will.
Asher's language learning theories seem similar to those of other behavioral psychologists. There are three principles he elaborat:
  1. Second language learning is parallel to first language learning and should reflect the same naturalistic processes.
  2. Listening should develop before speaking
  3. Children respond physically to spoken language, and adult learners learn better if they do that too
  4. Once listening comprehension has been developed, speech devlops naturally and effortlessly out of it.
  5. Adults should use right-brain motor activities, while the left hemisphere watches and learns
  6. Delaying speech reduces stress.

Here are some of the objectives of Total Physical Response

* Teaching oral proficiency at a beginning level
* Using comprehension as a means to speaking
* Using action-based drills in the imperative form

Minggu, 04 April 2010

kunjungilahh SnowBay Waterpark

Bagi kamu-kamu yang menyukai rekreasi air, baik sebagai olah raga, hiburan, maupun sekedar rileks, ada baiknya kamu mengunjungi TMII snowbay Waterpark.
Taman air ini sangat menarik karena dirancang dengan pemandangan berciri petualangan. Banyak pilihan permainan air yang bisa dinikmati anak-anak, remaja, ataupun orang dewasa. Di sini dikembangkan berbagai fasilitas wisata air yang menyajikan bermacam tantangan air yang seru, menegangkan, dan mengasyikan. Dengan suasana lingkungan yang asri, nyaman, dan menyenangkan tempat ini menjadi wahana wisata air favorit buat keluarga.
Fasilitas permainan air yang menantang dalam berbagai bentuk kolam disajikan di sini antara lain kolam seluncur (landing pool), kolam ombak (wave pool), kolam pusaran air (vortex pool), dan kolam arus (wave river); kesemuanya memberikan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Fasiltas bermain untuk anak-anak juga disediakan kolam permainan air yang menyenangkan antara lain tots pool, play pool, dan kids pool. Selain itu, masih tersedia fasilitas lain yang menyegarkan tubuh seperti cool beach, cool water dan hot spa.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

so beautiful

Whether I'm right or wrong There's no phrase that hits Like an ocean needs the sand Or a dirty old shoe that fits And if all the world was perfect I would only ever want to see your scars

You know they can have their universe We'll be in the dirt designing stars
And darlin' you know You make me feel so beautiful
Nowhere else in the world
I wanna be
You make me feel so beautiful
Whether I'm up or down
There's no crowd to please

I'm like a faith without a clause to believe in it
And if all the world was smiling
I would only ever want to see your frown

You know they can sail away in sunsets We'll be right here stranded on the ground
Just happy to be found You make me feel so beautiful
Nowhere else in the world I wanna be
You make me feel so beautiful
I have lost my illusions
I have drowned in your words
I have left my confusion to a cynical world

I am throwing myself at things
I don't understand
Discover enlightenment holding your hand
You are..
So Beautiful

Pramoedya ananta Toer

Haaii sobaat smua,kali ini gue sebagai mahasiswa sastra pengen mengulas sedikit tentang salah satu maestro sastra yang terkenal di indonesia,bahkan bukan hanya di indonesia aja,melainkan di dunia,

Ialah Pramoedya ananta toer ,atau yang akrab dipanggil pram ini.Beliau lahir di Blora,Jawa Tengah tepatnya tanggal 6 februari 1925.secara luas dianggap sebagai salah satu pengarang yang produktif dalam sejarah sastra indonesia. Pramoedya telah menghasilkan lebih dari 50 karya dan diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih dari 41 bahasa asing.
Nama asli Pramoedya adalah Pramoedya Ananta Mastoer, sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam koleksi cerita pendek semi-otobiografinya yang berjudul Cerita Dari Blora. Pramoedya menempuh pendidikan pada Sekolah Kejuruan Radio di surabaya, dan kemudian bekerja sebagai juru ketik untuk surat kabar jepang di jakarta selama pendudukan jepang di indonesia.
Pada masa kemerdekaan Indonesia, ia mengikuti kelompok militer di Jawa dan kerap ditempatkan di Jakarta pada akhir perang kemerdekaan. Ia menulis cerpen serta buku di sepanjang karir militernya dan ketika dipenjara belanda di Jakarta pada 1948dan 1949.
Pada 1960-an ia ditahan pemerintahan Soeharto karena pandangan pro-Komunis Tiongkoknya. Bukunya dilarang dari peredaran, dan ia ditahan tanpa pengadilan di nusakambangan di lepas pantai Jawa, dan akhirnya di pulau buru di kawasan timur Indonesia.
Selain pernah ditahan selama 3 tahun pada masa kolonial dan 1 tahun pada masa orde lama, selama masa orde baru Pramoedya merasakan 14 tahun ditahan sebagai tahanan politik tanpa proses pengadilan.
Ia dilarang menulis selama masa penahanannya di pulau buru, namun tetap mengatur untuk menulis serial karya terkenalnya yang berjudul bumi manusia, serial 4 kronik novel semi-fiksi sejarah Indonesia.

Semenjak orde baru berkuasa, Pramoedya tidak pernah mendapat kebebasan menyuarakan suaranya sendiri, dan telah beberapa kali dirinya diserang dan dikeroyok secara terbuka di koran.
Sampai akhir hayatnya ia aktif menulis, walaupun kesehatannya telah menurun akibat usianya yang lanjut dan kegemarannya merokok. Pada 30 april 2006 pukul 08.55 Pramoedya wafat dalam usia 81 tahun.

data ini gue ambil dari situs ensiklopedia bebas,kalo mau tau lebih lanjut kalian bisa cari tau informasi lainnya di situs tersebut,karna gue hanya ambil sedikit tentang masa hidupnya.

Community language learning

Community language learning
is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed.This method was developed by Charles E. Curran, a professor of psychology at Loyola University. This method refers to two roles: that of the knower (teacher) and student (learner).
Teachers who use the Community Language Learning Method want their students to learn how to use the target language communicatively.The teacher's initial role is primarly that of a counselor.This does not mean that the teacher is a therapist.Rather,it means that the teacher recognizes how threatening a new learning situation can be for adult learners.
some characteristics of the teaching or learning process are :
  • students typically have a conversation using their native language.
  • teacher helps them express what they want to say by giving them to target language translation in chunks.
According to Curran,there are six elements nessecary for nondefensive learning,such as ;
  1. security
  2. aggression
  3. attention
  4. reflection
  5. retention
  6. discrimination
The most important skills are understanding and speaking the language at the beginning,with reinforcement through reading and writing.